Monthly Archives: July 2013

Dark Intellectual Property – Not a Big Issue

Following from recent discussion of “Dark Social”, analysts have begun to talk about Dark Intellectual Property, referring to IP that is sitting on the shelf, unused, unexploited and possibly orphaned forever.  Analysts point out that there are vast treasure troves of Dark IP within universities and in government funded research institutions.  I’ll argue as well, […]

Dark Social – Be Careful With Analytics 3

Dark Social is term coined in 2012 by Alexis Madrigal of the Atlantic Magazine and refers to website traffic that cannot be sourced or tracked through normal analytics. More plainly stated, most web site owners are able to use products such as Google Analytics to determine the source of web traffic – for example if it […]

Software Pricing Policies and “Robert’s Rules”

The pricing of software products is an art, and most vendors live in constant fear that they’ve left money on the table, or the opposite – that they overcharge and drive customers to competitors.  In many cases the fears should be attended to, as pricing is often incorrect.  The trouble is that pricing cannot usually […]

Software Company Valuation – And “Robert’s Rules”

We have been involved in the valuation of software for over 20 years, including buy-side and sell-side transactions.  One of our specialities is working with companies to help them understand the value of intangible software assets, and we have represented clients in court-related actions in this regard. We’ve learned that software valuation has two perspectives […]


Gamification is where a set of tools are used to engage web users, provide loyalty services and to ensure that the users will likely return to the web site.  These techniques range from traditional loyalty points systems to badges, leaderboards and other methods that are familiar to many.  Some say that gamification is the new […]

Co-opetition – Why Work With Competitors?

We’ve all been taught to be competitive in business, and competitiveness is at the heart of what we value in business.  But there are times when businesses must cooperate with competitors – leading to the phrase, “co-opetition“.  Typical scenarios include: There is a common competitor that has to be surpassed.  Here companies cooperate to best […]